Data Spooling & Export from DB

Data Spooling from DB Table to Flat File

This Article is to pin down simple commands to spool data from a DB table to a flat file from SQL*Plus.

set echo off;
set feedback off;
set linesize 100;
set pagesize 0;
set sqlprompt '';
set trimspool on;
spool d:\FlatFileOut.out;

Select * from emp where rownum <100;

spool off;
set echo on;
set feedback on;

set sqlprompt 'SQL>'; 

Steps to spool Package from DB table 

set echo off;
set feedback off;
set pages 0;
set heading off;
set sqlprompt '';
set linesize 180;

spool d:\<File_name>;

select text from dba_source where name like 'XX_EXTRACT_PKG';

spool off;
set echo on;
set feedback on;

set sqlprompt 'SQL>'; 

Data Extract from DB Table to Excel File from UNIX

Step1 -> Place the .sql file in UNIX box - with help of any FTP tool

Step2 -> Open UNIX box to the same path

Step3 -> Set the environment to enter into sql plus

Step4 -> Type <sqlplus>
alter session set current_schema = apps;

Step5 -> Run the script :

Step6 -> Connect to FTP tool and download the file


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