Item Open Interface
The Following article is to cover concepts: SQL Loader Item Attributes Update with help of Template Standard Item Import Program. Template is mask or format that is created in application front end with specific item attributes which can be applied on an existing ITEMS in INV or used while creating new Item (through interface process). Below is a sample Item Template with attributes: Create SQL Loader script and register it as a Concurrent Program to load data. **************************** Create Control File: OPTIONS (READSIZE=1000000, BINDSIZE=1000000, ROWS=200, ERRORS=200000) LOAD DATA CHARACTERSET XX12 – (Mention the character set used by your respective system) INFILE '$1' APPEND INTO TABLE MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' TRAILING NULLCOLS ( ORGANIZATION_ID "TRIM (:ORGANIZATION_ID)", ITEM_NUMBER ...